AUTOMATED GIVINGA service that allows weekly or monthly giving to be automatically deposited from the donor’s bank account to the VLC. No more check-writing or catching up on offerings after missed Sundays. This service is free and easy to apply for. Contact: the Development Officer at 914-337-0207 (x1040) or email
GATHERING OF FRIENDS ANNUAL GALAOur biggest annual church and school benefit is the Gathering of Friends, a spectacular dinner and auction held in the spring for everyone from our community. Funds raised through this and similar events empower ministry by enabling programs and outreach that we might not normally be able to provide. Look for opportunities to donate, volunteer, support and have a good time together! Contact: the Development Officer at 914-337-0207 (x1040) or
Visit the Gathering of Friends WebsiteHALTER LEGACY CIRCLENamed in honor of former VLC pastor Rev. Howard Halter and his wife Florence, this committed group of men and women helpS provide lasting support for our ministry by including Village Lutheran Church and The Chapel School in their estate planning (as a bequest in a will, with a life income gift, or through other deferred giving arrangements) or by making a gift of $5,000 or more to the Village Lutheran Church Endowment. Contact: the Development Officer at 914-337-0207 (x1040) or
To leave a gift in your will or to make TCS or VLC a beneficiary, simply share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner: "I bequeath $_______ or _____% of my estate/financial account to Village Lutheran Church & The Chapel School, 172 White Plains Road, Bronxville, NY 10708."Click Here to Learn More about The Halter Legacy CircleJESUS AND THE CHILDREN Founded in Faith – Built in Hope – Rooted in Love
The bronze relief on The Great Porch was dedicated April 22, 2007. Parents, congregants, and friends memorialize loved ones, celebrate anniversaries, and remember significant events, blessings and individuals in their lives through an inscription of their choice. These unrestricted gifts, ranging from $1,000 to $100,000, go toward school and church operations.
MATCHING FUNDSMany community-oriented companies, such as Verizon, Deutsche Bank and IBM, will match some or all of your charitable donations to VLC and The Chapel School. Ask your employer, or contact the Development Office to discover how to double or triple your gift. Contact: the Development Officer at 914-337-0207 (x1040) or
STEWARDSHIPWhat are those offering envelopes for? Sunday worship, Wednesday Bible studies, The Chapel School, fellowship opportunities, mission projects, Sunday School, glorious music and more are the blessings we receive with our membership at VLC. These blessings are supported by your generous and voluntary offerings, given with grateful hearts and the knowledge that everything we have is a gift from our loving Father. We invite you to prayerfully consider what part of your financial resources may be given to the Lord's work and ask that you establish that offering as a regular part of your household bookkeeping.